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Portuguese alumbic with an improved product purification system.
The product has 2 lenses which gives a cleaner product at the outlet, higher quality and no odor.
All our products are made in Portugal by hand forging.
With copper 99%, the thickness of copper (1.3 mm), which guarantees obtaining a quality drink.
Copper has a very good thermal conductivity, very quickly heats up and evenly evenly.
Copper collects sulfur oxide, which gives a non-pleasant smell to the product at the outlet.
As a result, Distillate will retain a pleasant aroma and taste of the raw material at the outlet.
Classic alumbic will allow at home to receive chachu, slivovitsu, grappa, calvados, vodka and other drinks.
All connections are made on threaded connections, which simplifies work with the product and eliminates steam leakage.
All elements and nodes of the classic Alambic are reliably connected, and exclude any extraordinary situations in the form of steam ejection and fluid leakage.
The cooler is equipped with three fittings: for supply, drainage and finished product.
The thermometer will determine the temperature of the vapors and help control the heating during distillation.
The products are very easy to use and do not require special skills. Using our products you get a product of very high quality.
All connections are made by professional welding, which ensures reliable sealing.
Any heat source is suitable for heating: electricity, gas, coal, firewood.
Almost for any task suits the classic copper alembic.
The product is very convenient in operation, and the presence of the lens gives a very good product at the output without fusel oils. If desired, you can get the product output 80 - 90 degrees of strength.
The kit includes 2 rectifying lenses.

This Portuguese Alambic will be a great gift.

Rektifikačná šošovka je doplnkové zariadenie inštalované na destilátore, ktoré zvyšuje silu destilátu návratom časti kondenzovaných pár do kotla prostredníctvom procesu ochladzovania alkoholových pár pomocou pridávania studenej vody na vrch šošovky.

Šošovka je vyrobená z 99% medi, čo zabezpečuje rovnomerné a rýchle ohrevovanie. Meď tiež účinne absorbuje síru, čím sa zabráni jej vstupu do konečného produktu. To prispieva k zachovaniu príjemného zápachu a chuti surovín.

Jednoduchá inštalácia a používanie robia rektifikačnú šošovku praktickým a efektívnym nástrojom pre tých, ktorí chcú dosiahnuť vyššiu silu a čistotu destilátu. Šošovka je pripevnená na destilátor skrutkou a matkou, čo umožňuje bezpečné pripojenie k veko kotla každého zariadenia s vhodným závitom. Použitím rektifikačnej šošovky pri jednorazovej destilácii je možné dosiahnuť destilát so silou 80-90% objemu.

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