Inverted sugar for the wort.

Inverted sugar for the wort.

Inverted sugar for the wort.

Inverting sugar is a process often used in brewing wort. It involves breaking down complex sugars into simpler ones, namely glucose and fructose.

Yeast cultures can only work with simple sugars, so when fermenting regular sugar, they first spend time breaking disaccharides into monosaccharides, and then convert them into alcohol. Inversion allows for a reduction in fermentation time, positively impacting the quality of the wort and, consequently, the final distillation product. However, there are drawbacks to this process that not everyone is willing to accept.

In this article, I will discuss the feasibility of using inverted sugar and share the simplest method of obtaining it using citric acid.

Pros of inverted sugar:

  1. Fermentation occurs more rapidly, reducing the production of by-products during fermentation. The resulting beverage is cleaner.

  2. Harmful bacteria residing on the sugar surface perish during inversion, reducing the risk of wort contamination.

  3. Distilling with traditional stills yields a significantly higher quality final product.

  4. Inverted sugar has a gentler impact on the aroma of wort from grain or fruit-based raw materials. If the goal is to increase the product yield (e.g., fruit wort), it is recommended to use inverted sugar.

Simple inverted sugar technology:

To invert sugar at home, you need 5 g of citric acid per 1 kg of sugar. Water should be added in a ratio of 1 to 2, meaning for every 2 kg of sugar, add 1 liter of water. Based on these data, you can easily calculate the proportions for your specific case.


  • Sugar: 6 kg

  • Citric acid: 30 g

  • Water: 3 liters

Preparation process:

  1. Place 3 liters of water in a saucepan and heat it slightly.

  2. Dissolve 6 kg of sugar in warm water and heat the solution to 70°C.

  3. Carefully add citric acid in small portions to avoid foaming. Stir the solution while doing so.

  4. Continue to slowly heat the liquid to 80°C. Keep the syrup at this temperature for 1 hour or slightly more.

As a result, you will obtain a clear and pure syrup ready for use.

Citric acid can be purchased here.

Posted on 2023-12-14 by Inverted sugar for the wort. First category 0 605

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